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Terms Of Use


Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully. by accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions described herein and all terms, guidelines, and disclosures incorporated by reference. If you do not agree to all of these terms, do not use this website.

readingspsychics.com TERMS AND CONDITIONS
These Terms and Conditions of Use (“Agreement”) apply to all users who access and/or use the platform to provide or offer services (“Psychic”) or users who access and/or use the platform to receive products on the website owned and operated by readingspsychics.com (“readingspsychics.com“) and found at readingspsychics.com (“Site” or “Platform”).

This Agreement sets forth and contains all the terms and conditions between you, a Psychic and/or a Client, and readingspsychics.com. By clicking “I Agree” and registering with the Site, a binding agreement will be executed between you, the Client and/or Psychic, and readingspsychics.com. You, the Client and/or Psychic, will also be agreeing to be bound by the terms of readingspsychics.com’s Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into this Agreement. This Agreement applies to a Psychic’s and/or Client’s access and/or use of the Platform regardless of where such Platform is made available.


This Agreement sets forth and contains the terms and conditions between you, the Psychic and/or a Client, and readingspsychics.com. By using any portion of this Site, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. You should, therefore, read this Agreement carefully. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ANY TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT CONTINUE TO USE ANY PORTION OF THIS SITE. In such a case, you will not be able to register as a Psychic and/or a Client or otherwise use the Platform.

readingspsychics.com may modify this Agreement or any part thereof at any time as may be required for the provision of services on the Site and for other legitimate business purposes. readingspsychics.com will use commercially reasonable efforts to inform you of any material changes to this Agreement. However, you are encouraged to check the terms of this Agreement frequently. By using any portion of the Platform after any modifications to this Agreement have been made, you, the Client and/or Psychic, agree to be bound by such modified Agreement.

readingspsychics.com grants Psychic and/or Client a limited, nonexclusive, revocable right to use the Site provided that Psychic and/or Client does not copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code thereof, and provided further that you remain fully compliant with all terms and conditions of this Agreement and all other policies referenced herein or otherwise made available on the Site.

readingspsychics.com may provide notices or other communications to you regarding changes to this Agreement and/or changes to any aspect of readingspsychics.com, by email to the email address that we have on record, by regular mail, or by posting on the Site. The date of receipt shall be deemed the date on which such notice is given. Notices sent to readingspsychics.com must be delivered via express delivery or regular mail to: readingspsychics.com, Inc. / Attn: Legal Department.

The Site contains copyrighted material, trade secrets, and proprietary information owned by readingspsychics.com and/or its licensors. This Agreement does not grant to the Psychic and/or Client any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), domain names, or any other rights, functions, or licenses in respect of the Site or any material or information appearing on the Site or any services offered by readingspsychics.com. The Psychic and/or Client may not create any derivative work or technology based upon any trade secret, intellectual property, confidential or proprietary information of readingspsychics.com or its licensors. Furthermore, the Psychic and/or Client may not sublicense, assign, transfer, sell or make any other commercial use of this Site.

The Psychic and/or Client may not adapt or use any trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, or domain name similar to or likely to be confused with those of readingspsychics.com or its licensors, or take any other action that infringes upon or impairs readingspsychics.com‘s trademark or other intellectual property rights.

readingspsychics.com or its suppliers are the sole owners of all intellectual property, and in particular the copyright, trademarks, database, and patents, in the Site and in any software, application, graphics, text, and other materials used therein, including the organization and selection of the materials contained therein. In addition, except as otherwise expressly set forth or provided in this Agreement, readingspsychics.com or its suppliers shall retain all ownership rights in and to all content displayed on the Site, including copies of data transferred or received by Psychic and/or Client through the Site. This section shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.

Psychic and/or a Client agrees to forever indemnify, defend and hold harmless readingspsychics.com, and its employees, representatives, agents and affiliates against any and all losses, damages, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any claim, suit, action, or other proceeding brought against readingspsychics.com or any employees, representatives, agents and affiliates or such party, to the extent that such claim, suit, action or other proceeding is based on or arises from: (i) any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement to be performed by Psychic and/or a Client according to this Agreement; (ii) Psychic’s provision of services to any third party; (iii) Client’s refusal to pay for services provided by Psychic; or (iv) any materials that Psychic and/or a Client has posted to readingspsychics.com. This section shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.

You shall not assign your rights or obligations pursuant to this Agreement, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior, written consent of readingspsychics.com. Any purported assignment without the prior written approval of readingspsychics.com will be null and void and of no force or effect.

readingspsychics.com reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any service in or on the Site, with or without notice. Psychic and/or Client agrees that readingspsychics.com shall not be liable to Psychic and/or Client or to any third party for any modification or discontinuance of any service offered by readingspsychics.com, or for any losses or damages that may result to Client or any third party from such discontinuation or interruption of service.

readingspsychics.com, in its sole discretion and for any reason, or no reason at all, may terminate Psychic’s and/or Client’s account and participation in the services and refuse any and all current or future use by Psychic and/or Client of the Site. The specific features and functionality of the Site are to be determined solely by readingspsychics.com and are subject to change or termination without notice.

readingspsychics.com is designed to help Clients find Psychics in particular areas of interest and ask questions directly from such Psychics. readingspsychics.com enables a Client to negotiate and communicate directly with the Psychic and pay for the services purchased by the Client from such Psychic (“Transaction”). Each Client is solely responsible for every Transaction occurring under his or her account. Client acknowledges and agrees that Psychics are neither employees nor agents nor representatives of readingspsychics.com and that readingspsychics.com assumes no responsibility for any act or omission of any such Psychic.

readingspsychics.com makes no representation or warranty whatsoever as to (i) the accuracy or availability of the Site, (ii) the willingness or ability of any Psychic to give advice, (iii) whether the Client shall find a Psychic’s advice relevant, useful, accurate or satisfactory, (iv) whether the advice of the Psychic will be responsive or relevant to the Client’s question, or (v) whether the Psychic’s advice will otherwise be suitable to the Client’s needs. readingspsychics.com does not verify the skills, degrees, qualifications, credentials or background of any Psychics. It is strongly recommended that the Client independently verify the skills, degrees, qualifications, credentials and background of each Psychic from whom he or she receives or contemplates to receive advice or services.

readingspsychics.com may assign some form of a “Rating” to any and all Psychics. Client acknowledges that a “Rating” and the other information contained in a Psychic’s profile, such as descriptions of a professional’s areas of practice or specialization, and other data, summaries or descriptions on readingspsychics.com, are based on the data obtained by or submitted to readingspsychics.com, which may be incomplete or inaccurate, and may rely on automated and/or proprietary interpretations of the information gathered by or submitted to readingspsychics.com. A “Rating” reflects [ho

readingspsychics.com’s assessment of a given Psychic, based upon the information obtained by or submitted to readingspsychics.com; someone else’s assessment of the same professional may be different or based upon different information. Neither “Ratings,” professional information, nor any of the other information contained on readingspsychics.com are an endorsement of any particular professional or are a guarantee of a professional’s quality, competency, qualifications, experience, resources, character, honesty, integrity, responsiveness, or other personal and professional characteristics. Nor are they a predictor of the outcome of any matter in which such Psychic is involved.

Information furnished by Psychics is intended for general information purposes and/or entertainment purposes only. Any consultation with a Psychic via the Site cannot and does not replace a meeting with a professional. Client is encouraged to verify the information furnished by Psychics. Any reliance on such information is done at the Client’s full and sole risk and liability.


Client warrants and agrees to the following:

– By posting or submitting content on our site, you grant readingspsychics.com a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, unrestricted, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable license, with the right to sublicense (through multiple tiers), to use, copy, publicly perform, digitally perform, publicly display and distribute (through multiple tiers) such contributed content, and to sell, modify, create derivative works from and/or to incorporate such contributed content into other works in any form, medium, or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, in each case, for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to you. You agree to waive any moral rights that you may have to your contributed content.

– All contact between you, the Client, and any Psychic(s) must be conducted only through the readingspsychics.com platform. Exchange of personal contact information is strictly prohibited. Any exchange of contact information or communication outside of the readingspsychics.com platform, whether via personal email, phone, in person, or any other means, is strictly prohibited and is a violation of this Agreement. In the event readingspsychics.com suspects or determines any such unauthorized contact, readingspsychics.com reserves the right to withhold payments, levy fines, and/or suspend or terminate service at its sole and absolute discretion.

– The information furnished by you in the registration form is accurate, true, current, and complete, and you will maintain and update such information during the term of this Agreement so that it will remain accurate, true, current, and complete.

– You are solely and fully liable for all conduct, postings, and transmissions that are made under your username and password.

– readingspsychics.com is not involved in any transactions between you and any Psychic.

– You are solely responsible for verifying the Psychic’s identity, qualifications, credentials, biographic information, licenses held, and other information.

– readingspsychics.com is not responsible for verifying the identity, qualifications, credentials, biographic information, licensure, and/or any other information regarding any of the Psychics.

– readingspsychics.com does not control the quality, relevance, or accuracy of any advice provided by a Psychic, and readingspsychics.com does not determine whether any Psychic is qualified to provide any specific advice, whether a Psychic is categorized correctly or in the most appropriate category to provide the advice sought by a Client, or whether any postings on readingspsychics.com or any transmissions through the foregoing by a Client or a Psychic is accurate, correct, relevant, or appropriate.

– All interactions between you and a Psychic will be billed through readingspsychics.com regardless if the interaction is online or offline. You agree to abide by the pricing terms agreed upon with a Psychic while using the Site and to pay readingspsychics.com all fees for services rendered to you by Psychics.

– Client will not interfere with or disrupt, or attempt to interfere with or disrupt, any readingspsychics.com servers, networks, or equipment connected to a Site.

– Client will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system or network connected to the Site.

– Client will not transmit, upload, email, post, or otherwise make available through the Service or the Site: (i) any “junk mail”, “spam”, or any other types of unsolicited email or bulletin board postings; or (ii) any unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy-invading, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, harmful, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.

– Client will not transmit, upload, email, post, or otherwise make available: (i) any information or material that infringes upon a third party right, especially intellectual property rights; (ii) any third-party advertisements, including banner exchange services; (iii) any software viruses, worms, or any other malicious application or code; or (iv) any information or material which may constitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offense or civil wrong or otherwise violates any applicable law.

– readingspsychics.com enables the transfer of files between Clients and Psychics. When opening such file attachments received from Psychics, it is the Client’s responsibility to scan them with anti-virus software prior to opening them.

– Client will not impersonate any person or entity, or make any false statements regarding his or her employment, agency, or affiliation with any person or entity.

– Client will not stalk, threaten, or harass any Psychic or infringe upon or attempt to infringe upon their privacy.

readingspsychics.com may elect, but is not required, to review the Client’s personal profile and amend any typing or spelling errors. readingspsychics.com does not examine the validity or accuracy of the details in the Client’s personal profile or in any of the Client’s postings or transmissions. Without derogating from the above or any other term of this Agreement, readingspsychics.com may, at its absolute discretion, refuse to post, transmit, or remove any content uploaded by the Client and/or remove any content violating this Agreement. The Client will bear all the risks associated with the uploading and transmitting of material while utilizing readingspsychics.com’s services, including reliance on its accuracy, reliability, or legality.

When you, the Client, create and open an account with readingspsychics.com, you will be asked to provide a username and password. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and username and any other security information related to your account. You will be fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account, username, and/or password. You may not use the account, username, or password of someone else at any time. You will immediately notify readingspsychics.com of any unauthorized use of your password, username, email, or any other breach of security. readingspsychics.com encourages Clients to change their passwords at least once a month. readingspsychics.com will not be liable for any loss that you incur as a result of someone else using your account or your password, either with or without your knowledge. readingspsychics.com will hold you liable and responsible for any losses incurred by readingspsychics.com due to someone else’s use of your account or password.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as making either party the partner, joint venture, agent, legal representative, employer, or employee of the other. Neither party shall have, or hold itself out to any third party as having, any authority to make any statements, representations, or commitments